My services

Waste Reduction

I Conduct research and draft policy recommendations on: waste reduction & prevention.
I propose workshops and conferences for organizations or groups of people about: Waste Ø, Behaviour Change & Sustainable Future.

Animal rights

Intensive breeding has heavily contributed to Climate Change and is an unnatural practice. I Advocate for environmental protection and animal rights through written and compelling content based on thorough research.

Product Sustainability

I can assess the sustainability of products and advise for simple solutions that do not imply resource depletion or energy consumption.


I offer Translation services from/to:
English, Italian, French
On the following subjects: sustainability, biodiversity, environment protection, circular economy, animal rights.

What do you gain from this webinar?

1st part: Confronting Global Waste Issues

  • 25 min Insights on the global waste status, with an eye on the European situation.
  • The environmental impact of waste from resources depletion to the pollution it generates.
  • The environmental and human injustice.
  • Acknowledging the Myth of Green Growth: Recycling for Profit: the current system in place only benefits corporate profit, and it’s a way to perpetuate the problem.

Why and How do you switch your lifestyle to a zero-waste style?

2nd part: Moving Beyond the Circular Economy

  • It is important to tackle the waste pollution, for our health and the planet.
  • Tips on how you can reduce waste in your daily life.
  • Learn how to think out of the box, plan your daily routine and make the right choice to reduce your footprint.

Want to dive deep into the subject?

Who is this webinar for?

  1. If you are aware of the of the problem and you want to dive deep into the causes of the global waste issue, but you don’t know where to start from or you lack time and direction to follow.
  2. If you want to contribute solving the issue by doing something in your life, giving a radical shift to your lifestyle, embrace a more sustainable living, this is for you.

After watching the videos, the webinar bibliography is available comprehensive of websites, journal articles and valuable documentaries to watch.


I provide a dedicated guide and consultancy services for touristic facilities to reduce waste and energy consumption.
For more information and request